Landscape Ecology - house journal of IALE

The Association works in close collaboration with Springer to produce the major journal in the field, Landscape Ecology . This journal, first time published in 1984, became the flagship journal in the rapidly developing fields of ecology and sustainability science of landscapes. The journal focuses on highly inter- and transdisciplinary studies, aggregating expertise from biological, geophysical, and social sciences to explore the formation, dynamics and consequences of spatial heterogeneity in natural and human-dominated landscapes. Members get free access to the journal. Below you'll find the most recentc articles published in Landscape Ecology:
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Effects of defaunation of large seed dispersers, habitat loss and fragmentation on the population expansion of a tropical palm | ||
Content Habitat loss and fragmentation are two processes resulting from land-use changes that significantly affect biodiversity worldwide. These two processes alongside illegal hunting are the main causes of the reduction in fauna diversity, richness, and biomass, which together characterize defaunation. Large animal species are the most affected by this process, compromising ecosystem services such as seed dispersal. Objectives... | ||
Detecting spatiotemporal changes in harvester ant disks in response to fire and rodent competition using small unoccupied aerial systems imagery | ||
Context North American deserts are changing due to expansion and increasing intensity of human activities. Disturbances and landscape change affect harvester ants, a keystone species in dryland ecosystems. Imagery acquired from small Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (sUAVs) was analyzed to assess above-ground ant responses to change over time in the context of disturbance ecology and biological community interactions. Objectives We... | ||
A Bayesian method for estimating multiscale resource selection using presence-only data: a case study predicting winter distributions for little brown, northern long-eared, and tricolored bats | ||
Context Estimating the distribution of rare species is an important component of conservation. The occurrence of such species is often only known from few presence-only observations and the spatial scales at which they select resources is poorly understood. Scientists often select arbitrary discrete spatial scales for estimating distribution models; however, resource selection follows a hierarchical multiscale process and selection of an incorrect scale may bias model... | ||
Correction: Habitat use and distribution of Nile monitors (Varanus niloticus) in a mosaic of land use types and human population densities in KwaZulu‑Natal, South Africa | ||
Correction: Can microclimate offer refuge to an upland bird species under climate change? | ||
Bridging the key components of urban ecosystem services assessment: links and feedbacks between “typology-multifunctionality-supply and demand” | ||
Context Current research on urban ecosystem services faces three major challenges: scale gap, disciplinary barriers, and knowledge fragmentation, necessitating a systematic assessment framework to support precise governance decisions. Objectives This study proposes a cascading "Typology-multifunctionality-supply and demand" framework to establish a full-chain research paradigm, enhancing information flow and feedback mechanisms... | ||
Landscape scale effects of primary productivity on forest bird species occurrence and abundance in Argentina | ||
Context Approaches estimating landscape effects on biodiversity frequently focus on a single extent, finding one ‘optimal’ extent, or use narrow extents. However, species perceive the environment in different ways, select habitat hierarchically, and respond to multiple selection pressures at extents that best predict each pressure. Objective We aimed to assess multi-scale relationships between primary productivity and species... | ||
Citizen science enabled planning for species conservation in urban landscapes: the case of Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in southern China | ||
Context Urbanization has detrimental effects on biodiversity, yet how species respond to urban planning zoning outcomes and environmental changes at different spatial scales when selecting urban breeding habitats remains understudied. Mitigating such impacts on wildlife is instrumental to create biodiversity-friendly cities while accommodating urban development. Objectives We used Barn Swallow nesting site data (2017–2023... | ||
Predictors of farmland bird species richness in intensively used agricultural landscapes: habitat heterogeneity, crop type, and food supply matter | ||
Context Biodiversity in agroecosystems has experienced significant declines in species richness due to intensive agricultural practices. Historically, diverse agricultural landscapes have been replaced by nutrient-rich monocultures. To improve the situation, it is important to find out what are the attributes of these landscapes that support the highest species richness. Objectives This study investigates the relationships of... | ||
Shifting research paradigms in landscape ecology: insights from bibliometric analysis | ||
Context With 2022 marking the 40th anniversary of International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), landscape ecology has undergone substantial theoretical and methodological advances. A comprehensive quantitative bibliometric analysis can help better understand how the field has evolved during the past four decades. Objectives The main objectives of this review were: (1) to examine the 40-year developmental trajectory... | ||
Potential resilience of forest birds in the Appalachian Mountains to future climate change during the breeding season | ||
Context Global climate change is predicted to cause long-term changes in bird distributions and populations. Although previous studies often prioritized understanding avian responses to shifting climate conditions, recent efforts increasingly incorporate landscape change as an additional factor. Objectives We evaluated current and potential future effects of both climate and landscape change on the breeding distributions and... | ||
Exploring the relationship between urban green infrastructure connectivity, size and multifunctionality: a systematic review | ||
Context Urban green infrastructure (GI) multifunctionality is widely valued within the academic literature, and underpins calls from policy makers to enhance and expand GI resources. However, there is a gap in understanding concerning how GI connectivity and size influence GI multifunctionality outcomes. Objectives The objectives are to: (1) present the current status of research on urban GI multifunctionality (encompassing... | ||
Which affects park satisfaction more, environmental features or spatial pattern? | ||
Context Improving the quality of urban parks is important for effective planning and sustainable management, with resident satisfaction serving as a key indicator. Current research usually favours analyses focused on single environmental features while ignoring the influence of spatial composition and configuration. Objective This study aims to investigate the relationships among environmental features, spatial patterns and park... | ||
Roo-tine obstacles: uncovering the spatio-genetic barriers for Eastern Grey Kangaroos (Macropus giganteus) in an urbanising landscape | ||
Context Urban landscapes present a diverse matrix of structures and habitats containing significant physical and behavioural barriers to terrestrial wildlife dispersal. Yet, our understanding of these barriers for large mammals in the context of genetic connectivity within urbanising landscapes is limited. Objective We investigated the effects of landscape structures on the genetic differentiation of a large herbivorous... | ||
UAV-derived models of vegetation characteristics do not transfer to extreme drought and wet conditions across a northern Arizona landscape | ||
Context Shifts in precipitation regimes due to climate change are significantly impacting dryland ecosystems, including vegetation composition and structure. Unoccupied aerial vehicles (UAVs) are widely used to monitor vegetation, but whether models built to predict changes in these characteristics are robust under extreme precipitation regimes is unclear. Objectives We aimed to predict key vegetation characteristics under three... | ||
Correction: Landscapes—a lens for assessing sustainability | ||
The VASA (historical and environmental evaluation) multitemporal approach for the analysis and assessment of rural landscape transformations | ||
Context The study of landscape over different years through the analysis of different sources (cadasters, aerophotos, orthophotos, satellite images) is commonly used in landscape planning and in researches focusing on landscape and land use changes and transformations. Most of these studies, despite the scale and the period analyzed, tend to apply different methodologies, making it difficult to compare results and trends among different landscapes. The aim of the paper is to... | ||
Future expansion of upper forest-grassland ecotone under land-use and climate change in the Eastern Alps | ||
Context Across Alpine landscapes, a combination of land-use abandonment and climate change is driving forest expansion and promoting the upward migration of trees on grasslands. Yet, it remains unclear how rapidly the upper forest-grassland ecotone will shift and how tree species composition will change, both in terms of species proportions and along elevational gradients. Objectives Our aim is to investigate the future forest... | ||
The emerging “pattern-process-service-sustainability” paradigm in landscape ecology | ||
Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2025 | ||
The photovoltaic system exhibits a consistent cooling effect during midday in Northwest China | ||
Montag, 24. Februar 2025 | ||
Context Driven by the carbon neutrality goals, photovoltaic systems have been widely deployed in northwestern China and become a prominent landscape feature. Understanding the thermal effect of photovoltaic is crucial for offering key insights into the energy balance processes and dynamics of this emerging landscape. Objectives We quantified the impact of photovoltaic systems landscapes on its surrounding area and addressed three... | ||