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Europäische Konferenzen 

IALE 2025 European Landscape Ecology Congress

Landscape Perspectives in a Rapidly Changing World

2-5 September 2025, Bratislava, Slowakei 

Organisation: Institute of Landscape Ecology at Slovak Academy of Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava, IALE-CZ and IALE-Europe

Congress webpage

IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress

Making the future, learning from the past

11-15 July 2022, Warschau, Polen 

Organisation: PAEK, IGiPZ Pan, UW and IALE-Europe

Congress webpage

IALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology Congress

Landscape Ecology — pattern and process meet people and action

12-15 September 2017, Ghent, Belgium 

Organisation: Ghent University and IALE-Europe

Congress webpage 

IALE 2013 European Landscape Ecology Congress 

Changing European Landscapes: Landscape Ecology, local to global

9-12 September 2013, Manchester, UK 

Organisation: ialeUK and IALE-Europe

Congress webpage 

IALE 2009 European Landscape Ecology Congress;

European Landscapes in Transformation: Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management

12-16 July 2009, Salzburg, Austria 

Organisation: IALE Germany (IALE-D), IALE Swiss (IALE-CH) and IALE Slovakia (IALE-SK).

Documentation of the congress has been published:
J. Breuste, M. Kozova and M. Finka (Eds.) 2009. European Landscapes in Transformation: Challenges for Landscape Ecology and Management. European IALE Conference 2009. Salzburg (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia). Published by University of Salzburg, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and Comenius University in Bratislava. ISBN 978-80-227-3100-3. 

European IALE Congress 2005

Landscape Ecology in the Mediterranean, inside and outside aproaches  

29 March–2 April, Faro, Portugal 

Organisation: APEP (Portuguese Society for Landscape Ecology)

Documentation of the congress has been published:
Bunce, R.G.H.; Jongman, R.H.G. (Eds.) 2005 Landscape ecology in the Mediterranean: inside and outside approaches; proceedings of the European IALE conference 29 March - 2 April 2005, Faro. IALE publication series 3. ISBN 9078514019 - 243: 

European IALE Congress 2001

Development of European landscapes

30 June -2 July Stockholm, Sweden

3-6 July, Tartu, Estonia 

Jointly organized by: Institute of Geography University of Tartu, Estonia and Stockholm Universitet Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden 

Documentation of the congress has been published:
Mander,Ü., Printsmann,A., Palang,H. (Eds.) 2001. IALE European Conference 2001. Development of European Landscapes. Conference Proceedings. Volume I and II: ISBN 9985401948 and ISBN 9985401956. Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis. </mall>

European IALE Congress 1998 

Key concepts in Landscape Ecology 

3-5 September, Preston, UK

Organisation: ialeUK

Documentation of the congress has been published:
Dover, J.W., Bunce, R.G.H. (Eds.) 1998. Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology. Proceedings of the 1998 European Congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Myercough, Preston, ISBN: 978-0952426356


11th IALE World Congress 2023

Transboundary Resource Management, Climate Change and Environmental Resilience

Nairobi, Kenya, 10-15 Jul 

Congress webpage 

10th IALE World Congress 2019 

Nature and society facing the Anthropocene - Challenges and Perspectives for Landscape Ecology 

Milano, Italy, 01-05 Jul 

Congress webpage, Programme, Book of Abstract/Proceedings

9th IALE World Congress 2015 

Crossing Scales, Crossing Borders: Global Approaches to Complex Challenges

Portland, USA, 05-10 Jul 

ProgrammeBook of Abstract/Proceedings 

8th IALE World Congress 2011 

Landscape Ecology for sustainable environment and culture 

Bejing, China, 18-23 Aug 

Book of Abstract/Proceedings

7th IALE World Congress 2007 

25 years Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles and Practice 

Wageningen, Netherlands, 08-12 Jul 

Book of Abstract/Proceedings Band 1 / Band 2

6th IALE World Congress 2003 

Crossing frontiers - Landscape Ecology Down Under, Buildiung Bridges beetween Cultures, Disciplines and Approaches 

Darwin, Australia, 14-16 Jul 

Book of Abstract/Proceedings

5th IALE World Congress 1999 

World Congress of Landscape Ecology

Snowmass Village, USA, 09 Jul-03 Aug 

Documentation of the congress has been published:
Wiens, J.A. and Moss, M.R. (Eds.) 1995. Issues in Landscape Ecology. 5th IALE-World Congress, Snowmass, Colorado

4th IALE World Congress 1995  

The future of our Landscapes 

Toulouse, France, 27-31 Aug

Special Issue Landscape and urban planning. 1997, vol. 37, No 1-2

3rd IALE World Congress 1991

World Congress of Landscape Ecology 

Ottawa, Canada, 21-25 Jul 

Documentation of the congress has been published:
IALE. 1992. Scanning the Mosaic. Brief Reports from the IALE World Congress of Landscape Ecology 1991. Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

2nd IALE World Congress 1987

Connectivity in Landscape Ecology 

Münster, Germany, 19-24 Jul 

Book of Abstract/Proceedings

1st IALE World Congress 1984 

Methodologies in Landscape Ecological Research and Planning 

Roskilde, Denmark, 15-19 Oct 

Documentation of the congress has been published:
Brandt J. and Agger P. (Eds.) 1984 Methodology in landscape ecological research and planning. Proceedings of the first international seminar of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (IALE), organised at Roskilde University Centre, Roskilde, Denmark, 15–19 October 1984. The Netherlands.  Vol. I, Landscape Ecological Concepts (ISBN 87-88183-14-9); Vol. II, Methodology and Techniques of Inventory and Survey (ISBN 87-88183-14-9); Vol. III, Methodology of Data Analysis (ISBN 87-88183-14-9); Vol. IV, Methodology of Evaluation/Synthesis of Data in Landscape Ecology (ISBN 87-88183-14-9); Vol. V, Supplementary Volume (ISBN 87-88183-14-9)

IALE-D Jahrestagung 2024

European Congress 2025

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